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Mittwochskafe: Karkait + Nörgel + Migraine Attack

27. September 2023 @ 20:00 - 23:30

Karkait (Grindcore, Jerusalem)

Karkait [Hebrew for “bottom ground”] is an elusive entity, a flying arrow evading all clear targets and sub-genres on its way to puncture the unprepared ear. Not quite the daily-grind department-store Metal project, this Jerusalem based guitar-drums-voice trio manages to simultaneously conquer and burn the souls of heavy music veterans as well as random passers-by. The reason for that remains a mystery, although it might draw from the overall adorableness of the band members, strangely conflicting with the monstrous music they make.

Nörgel (Hardcorepunk, München)

Mosern, Motzen, Monieren und Murren sind treffende Synonyme, aber auch Keifen, Knurren und undeutlich Sprechen kommen ans Licht, wenn du deine Suchmaschine mit Nörgel fütterst und selten ist ein Bandname wohl so passend gewählt. Oh oh!

Migraine Attack (Powerviolence, München)

Angry powerviolence against germany, patriarchy and CDU-posterboys. A raging rollercoaster between headache, nausea and blastbeats on 220 bpm.

Offen ab 20 Uhr, Konzert startet gegen 21 Uhr.


27. September 2023
20:00 - 23:30