Das Konzert fällt krankheitsbedingt leider aus. Wir holen das bei Gelegenheit nach. Offen ist trotzdem. Es gibt eine Solibar für Pro Choice München in Raum 2.

Unfortunately, the concert has been cancelled due to illness. We will make up for it at a later date. Nevertheless it is open. There is a Pro Choice Soli-Bar in room 2. Good drinks, good music, good cause.

Strafplanet (Powerviolence/Hardcorepunk, Graz/Wien)
Strafplanet deliver a punishing outburst of hardcore drenched with noisy feedback and oozing with rage. Fast paced and in-your-face hardcore punk that’s filled with squealing guitars, vicious shrieks, down-tuned bass, and blasting drums. Think of Punch and No Statik to give you a hint.

Malatesta (HC/Crust, München)
Malatesta are heavily inspired by the Swedish and Portland dark crust scenes of the earlier part of this century. (…) makes you wanna be in front of a stage, fist in the air longing for a better future while living in a dystopian reality.

Food and bar from 8pm, the concert starts around 9.30 pm.

There is a Pro Choice Soli-Bar in room 2. Good drinks, good music, good cause.

You can also exchange your cash for vouchers on this evening to support refugees: More info